Europe’s Gas Market


Expanding horizons in Oil and Gas

Our Services

Oil refining

The company is constantly expanding and putting in place new custom-built catalyst production facilities, developing unique Western innovative technologies.

Production and development

The core activity of Selekshen Oil is the production and development of oil and gas in unpleasing and unforgiving weather in remote regions of Russia and offshore projects.

Gas processing

Selekshen Oil processes a range of gas such as dry gas, wet gas, shale gas, stripped gas, Innovation and technology, and marketable gas.

Our company’s reputation was built by mutual respect and well-behaved personnel with integrity.


One of the priorities of “Selekshen Oil” is to provide world class quality service. Regardless of the size of a company, scope of work or mode of transport, customer focus is paramount and customer satisfaction is vital.

Selekshen Oil is an oil and natural gas refinery privately owned and controlled, founded, and was incorporated in 2008, the company is fully focused on exploration of hydrocarbon deposits, oil, and natural gas production as well as upstream, midstream, and downstream activities. The refinery owns a number of licenses approved by the state authorities for geological survey, exploration, and production of petroleum materials at oil and gas matured fields within the territory of Russian Federation.

Who We are

Our business model is based on the board of director development strategy for consistent year-on-year growth, as one of the fastest growing refinery in Russia.